Whether you are just getting started or you are burned out from tracking and measuring everything you eat all day, I have you covered. Today I am sharing a method of eating where you can lose weight, improve your health, and have more energy without weighing, measuring, and tracking all the livelong day. I’ve shared…
Category: Uncategorized
The Seven Chakras
Today I want to discuss our chakras and dispel some myths and hopefully clear some common misconceptions about them. Each of us has multiple chakras, but today I am focusing on the seven main chakras of our bodies. These are: As I’ve discussed in many previous posts and on my podcast, I have been…
How to Change Your Mind and Make it Work for You
Did you know that we each have the power to change our minds, literally; we can change the chemistry of our brains and make our minds work for us to create a beautiful life. This may sound far-fetched, but I assure you it is true. Today, I am providing you with the tips and tricks…
How I Healed Anxiety and Depression Without Medication
I struggled with anxiety and depression for decades. I tried everything including therapy and medications. Through unexpected and unintentional means, I healed my anxiety and depression and have been free from it for several years now. While I don’t intend any of what I share in today’s episode to serve as medical or psychological advice,…
Heart Healing and Activation
To express my gratitude to all of you, who have been tuning into my podcast or reading my blog, I decided to provide a heart healing and activation for you all. You can get the healing and activation on my Podcast, Episode 54. But before you hop over there, a little context as to why…
Five Myths about Weightlifting
There are so many myths about weightlifting floating around out there. I believed so many of them for years and they kept me from trying it. I don’t want that to happen to you, so today I am dispelling five myths about weightlifting. These are: As I’ve shared in previous posts, I started dieting and…
How to Start Meditating
You’ve heard that meditation is good for you but haven’t managed to actually start meditating. Perhaps you feel like you don’t know how to meditate, so you’ve never given it a shot. Or maybe you’ve tried and your mind wanders. Regardless of where you are, today I am breaking down how to start meditating and…
How to Get Ove your Fear of the Gym
We all experience it at one time: the terror of going to the gym the first time. You’re all ready to start your workout regime and then you hit that wall of fear when you think about stepping foot in the gym. Today I am going to help you get over that fear so you…
Tips for Getting in more Whole, Fresh Foods
We all know fresh, whole foods are better for us, yet most of us don’t seem to get enough of them in. The ease and convenience of pre-packaged or processed foods may save you time, but they aren’t really doing us any favors when it comes to our health. I’ve recently shifted my focus to…