To express my gratitude to all of you, who have been tuning into my podcast or reading my blog, I decided to provide a heart healing and activation for you all. You can get the healing and activation on my Podcast, Episode 54. But before you hop over there, a little context as to why the heart is so important for receiving abundance, love, joy, and peace, and how we limit or block our capacity to receive these beautiful feelings through energy blocks in our heart space.
I’ve had my share of pain, like anyone else in this world. Over the years I had built a massive wall around my heart. It was meant to protect me from experiencing these deeply painful things again, but it was also limiting my capacity for abundance, love, joy, and peace. I had done tons of self-healing and processed all the emotions related to the various things that caused me to build this wall around my heart. I had forgiven those involved and myself, but the imprint of those past hurts was there. All the years I’d spent burying these emotions deep down resulted in energy blocks that were holding me back. When I started energy healing to clear these blocks, I started to experience more abundance, love, joy, and peace in my life.
So, what are energy blocks and how do we end up with them? Energy blocks are stored emotions from past traumas and hurts. When we experience things that cause a deep, intense emotional reaction beyond our ability to process, or when we avoid processing things that cause us intense emotional pain, the emotion gets stored in our bodies, creating a block.
Everything is energy, including emotions. We first experience things on the conscious level. When something creates an emotional reaction, we then feel it in the body. When the emotion is too intense and exceeds our capacity to process or when we suppress it to avoid experiencing the pain of the emotion, we create energy blocks. Though we are trying to avoid it, or simply aren’t able to process it, we hold onto the emotion, energetically. Each of our energetic centers, or chakras, is tied to specific emotions. Our heart is one of these seven energy centers and is the center of our energy body, where our soul resides, and is therefore the part of us through which we attract or magnetize things to ourselves. This is the reason I am focusing on the heart today.
The primary emotion of the heart center is grief. This can come from several different things, like rejection, heartbreak, or the death of a loved one. This is where we hold feelings like anger, resentment, bitterness. When we cannot let go or when we will not forgive either other people or ourselves, we keep our hearts blocked energetically. You cannot hold both anger or hatred and love in the same space. This is why God is so emphatic on forgiveness and for releasing things to Him. He knows holding onto these negative emotions is toxic, acting like a cancer in our spirit.
Even when we forgive someone or ourselves, there is usually still an imprint left. We see evidence of this in the way we behave moving forward. For example, when someone has broken your heart and you have forgiven them but avoid getting into a new relationship to protect yourself from getting hurt again. Other examples of signs there may be a wall around your heart is if you are hesitant to trust others, keep people at a safe distance emotionally, avoid deep, intimate relationships, or shut others out.
While it makes sense to do these things for self-preservation or protection, the problem is that it is also causing you to repel the good. Most of us are oblivious to this. I know I was until about a year ago. It took me several months to move through my heart blocks and open my heart. Because I have experienced the powerful impact this has had on my life, I am passionate about sharing it with others. This is one of the services I provide now as a result. I’ve included links below, if you’d like to book a session or enroll in one of my packages. In the meantime, check out the heart healing and activation in my Podcast, Episode 54.
Soul Ascension, Single Session