Have you ever had a dream that stuck with you all day? Maybe it was a certain object or the colors that really stood out and you just can’t shake it. Maybe it was something you heard or you saw words written on a piece of paper. You wake up just knowing there was more to it; it wasn’t just a dream.
Or, what about those times when you’ve been praying about something and a few days later you overhear someone say something that is an answer, or maybe you’re in a conversation and the person says what is an answer to your prayer. What about when you’re walking along the sidewalk and you notice a random bunch of flowers growing near the sidewalk that seem completely out of place, or a butterfly flutters around you like it’s desperately trying to tell you something.
Oftentimes we don’t know what to make of these things and we shrug them off. Well, I’m here to tell you it is high time you start paying more attention to these things, because this is often how God tries to answer you or get your attention.
The skeptics out there will say that people like me look for meaning where there isn’t any. They believe things just happen randomly and nothing means anything. They want rock solid, hard evidence for everything. What they don’t see is they do this so much for so long that they are always raising the bar more and more, subconsciously making it impossible for themselves to ever see deeper meaning in things. They have already convinced themselves nothing means anything, and it’s all random. To each their own, of course, but I can’t help feel bad for people who look at everything this way. They miss out on all the wonder and miracles in life that are all around us all the time.
For others, it may not be skepticism but preoccupation that keeps them from seeing the various signs and wonders around us all the time. This was definitely me for a very long time and I still have to be mindful of getting myself too distracted with all the stuff. Last week in church, our pastor shared a comic that so perfectly described this. It was a guy sitting at a desk with a thought bubble that said “why can’t I ever hear God talking to me?” while he is sitting in front of a computer, with headphones on, and looking at his phone.
We all get very distracted and sucked into our day to day life, that we couldn’t hear God speaking to us if He decided to blast His message from a PA system. It all happens internally. Our soul is a part of God. This is what is meant when it says He breathed air into our lungs and how he goes into a secret place to make each and every one of us. He gives us our own uniqueness, yet, He also gives us part of Him. So, in order to tune in, we have to go inward. We have to get away from the noise of life. He knows this, though. He knows we are distracted and preoccupied and that many of are completely unaware of our own power and the access to Him that we have right inside ourselves. So, He tries to get our attention in other ways.
God will send us signs from heaven to communicate in various ways. Sometimes, he just wants to reassure you. Other times, he’s answering your prayer through other people or literal signs or messages hidden in plain sight, like in an email or things you get in the mail. When He wants to encourage you or guide you, He will use things, things that only you would notice or that only stand out to you. Here are a few examples of signs from heaven God uses to speak to us:
- Dreams.
This is one of the more common and probably more obvious, but, again, we tend to overlook dreams because they’re kind of “normal” in the sense it’s part of sleep and we have them with some regularity. Most we may not remember or think much of. But then there are those dreams that you can’t shake. I have some from years ago that still stand out. There was one about a beautiful garden and it was so abundant and beautiful and otherworldly, I couldn’t shake it. It was almost like something out of that movie What Dreams May Come if you remember that movie. I kept thinking about it until I finally looked up what it meant in a dream dictionary and it was about spiritual growth. I had another one I will never forget about a beautiful stag. It appeared to me on a hill and the sky was all yellow and light orange tones behind it. The stag was huge and beautiful and it’s eyes were looking right into my soul. I was so taken by the sight of it and so humbled by its spirit I fell to my knees. When I looked it up, I found it was Jesus. It was such a powerful, loving, graceful energy, I have no doubt. Like, I said, I still remember it and it was about eight years ago.
Just last night I had a dream that I don’t remember a whole lot about. Something about settling into a new house and there were a lot of windows and I was doing different things to clean stuff up. But what stuck with me all this morning was a song that I heard playing in the dream. I kept hearing it and the lyrics still stick with me right now: Never forget, the love of Jesus. I have never heard whatever this song was that was playing. I find it interesting that it was in my dream last night and today I asked God to channel this episode and here I am talking about that dream. - Synchronicities.
Synchronicities is another one I’ve been experiencing a lot. God uses these to confirm your path and let you know you are on the right track. We are likely all familiar with the concept of walking on faith or stepping out in faith. When we walk in faith our steps are guided. I believe this is because it’s unchartered territory. There’s a reason it’s called a leap of faith; it’s scary and it’s all about trust. You don’t know the way and you can’t see the path before because there isn’t one, you’re literally forging the path as you walk. God will place the stepping stones before you, one at a time. Each step will be guided by Him. One way He does this is synchronicities. So, this might be a decision you make and you start going out to research how to do whatever this new thing is, then you come across a post from your friend about a training about this very thing, or you hear someone talking about it at the coffee shop and they mention where they just completed training in that very thing. Another way this can look is like you are taking a step toward something, maybe you don’t know where to find it, and you come across exactly what you need, seemingly randomly. These aren’t coincidences, they are God showing you that you’re on the right path and showing you the next step. - Items, objects, animals.
Items are another sign God will use. The past few weeks for me it’s been feathers. I was seeing them in meditations, on the sidewalk, right in front of the door walking into work. I asked my best friend who passed away several years ago to use butterflies a couple weeks ago, and I’ve seen one come flutter around near me at least once a week since. When it’s an item or object that God is using to speak to you, you will know it, you will feel something in your body. This is your intuition by the way, the part of you connected to God. It will stop you in your tracks, catch your eye and hold your attention for a moment.
Be mindful of what you are thinking about when this happens, or what you prayed about that morning, or what you’ve been talking to God about. He will use all kinds of things and your only job is to be aware and determine what they mean for you. Does the color stand out? What does that color mean; what is it usually used to represent? What is the spiritual meaning of seeing a dove, or a certain kind of flower?
So, those or some of the signs God will use to communicate to you. He is always guiding you and trying to help you, and we must choose of our own free will to allow Him to and to allow ourselves to be guided. He wants to draw you near and communicate with you. He wants you to seek Him out, which is why we don’t get big neon signs, but these signs and synchronicities. We have to tune into Him and our own intuition to catch them. This is by design. He wants you to go inward, because that is where He resides; in you. You won’t find Him outside yourself, in another person, in a song, in a burning bush or some other external thing.
So that is what I wanted to share about signs from heaven and how God speaks to us. I hope this has blessed you. I would love to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments. If you find this helpful and want to continue the pursuit of faith, fitness, and joy with me, please like and subscribe. You can also find Faith Fitness Joy on Facebook and Instagram or check out the website at https://faithfitnessjoy.podbean.com. Thanks for listening and I hope to see you in the comments and on the socials!